In this regard, individuals should correct their actions. It is possible to make a big difference by making small changes like eating less meat, flying less connected flights and drying our clothes.
Carbon emissions have devastating effects on the environment. Reducing your carbon footprint can reduce these effects. Because the less greenhouse gases we emit, the less we contribute to global climate change.
Reducing your carbon footprint plays a role in mitigating each of the above side effects of global climate change. The smaller the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, the more it can slow temperature rise, sea level rise, ice melt and ocean acidification. When these rates slow, the earth's biodiversity does not have to struggle to adapt to changes in temperature and pH.
The deterioration of air quality as a result of
Carbon emissions is a serious problem. As an example, in 2009, the US government introduced CO2, CH4, N2O, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) public health and declared a threat to the well-being of present and future generations.
So how to reduce the carbon footprint effect? In this sense, it is necessary to reduce carbon emissions. This reduces the likelihood and severity of extreme weather events and improves air and water quality. In addition, it maintains biological diversity and supports a healthy food supply.
While we cannot put a precise price tag on the economic cost of carbon emissions, the figure is estimated to be quite large. If all current climate change mitigation measures are followed, it is said that by 2030 the total global economic cost will be 240-420 billion per year. While this may seem like a lot, it is estimated that this number will be less than 1 percent of the estimated GDP in 2030. The benefits of mitigation will far outweigh the implementation costs.
The healthcare industry will reap huge economic benefits from a reduced carbon footprint. There were 1.2 million air pollution-related deaths in 2017, representing 13.2 percent of the country's GDP. >
Similarly, 23,000 deaths occurred in the United Kingdom in the same year. This represents 7.1 percent of the country's GDP. It is estimated that the number of deaths due to air pollution will continue to increase until 2060. Reducing carbon emissions will reduce the number of deaths from air pollution, thereby relieving pressure on healthcare systems.
How to reduce carbon footprint? There are many applications that can be made in this regard. Paying attention to these helps to build a healthier world for tomorrow. People should think not only of themselves but also of their children. It should always be remembered that the world does not only belong to us, but also belongs to the next generations.
In this respect, every individual living in the world should pay great attention to issues such as reducing carbon emissions and taking precautions against global warming. If people act with this awareness, it will be possible to leave a more beautiful and healthy world for the future.